Sunday, July 17, 2011

New septic system

Four days of digging and moving dirt.Thank you PSTS!

Blue house

This is the house we have lived in for 24 years.Many wonderful memories and the only house our son has ever known. Say goodbye to the big blue house because very soon it will be torn apart and construction will begin.

You can follow the progress through this blog for the next year, maybe more.

The new septic system went in last week.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mikuyo &Taiki

This is my friend Mikuyo and her beautiful son Taiki.She started our blog for us.You will meet Papa Andy soon.They are our extended family and will be living through this house project with us.We plan on having lots of front yard barbecues with all our friends and neighbors!

I will miss you, Auntie M!

I will be here, just in case you will miss me... You can open the blog to see me!
Have a safe and safe trip!

The Cabin!

Here is the temporally home, coming down the road!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Hello! Everyone,
Hope your Summer is going well!

It's Mikuyo, helping the Morgadinhos to set up this blog.

There will be more photos coming up from now on as the house project progresses. Please stay tuned!!!